
Mr Chris & Nick Mayer-Nurko 23rd February 2014

Gilly - Oh Glitter! How you loved life and your friends and family! We will never forget how you introduced us to the White Island, danced the night away in a gay Paris disco or scrubbed the oven with your haute couture gloves! A wry smile, a cheeky grin and that devilish laugh - you smiled in the face of adversity, and loved every minute of life. Your wonderful family is one of the gems you leave behind as a legacy to the G.G. life story. Never before so happy did we see you with Malcolm and travels first class in all you did and enjoyed! You were the Lady of the Loos Valley! An inspiration and a joy - thank you for your precious gift of love and laughter, I hope you are smiling on us mortals now as you have champagne and devils on horseback at the Pearly Gate Brasserie in the sky! ;) Nick and I will never forget you! much love, your Ibiza Boys xx oo